Friday, February 26, 2010

No, Thank YOU

My publisher sent me some wonderful thank you letters from a school in Kingston that Scot Ritchie and I visited during Canadian Children's Book Week.

They're awesome! What author doesn't love to get letters like this?!

And I've got to say, having these letters to look through on cold winter days, or days when inspiration has dried up, or days when I'm sure no one will care what I write ever again,  makes me say:

No, thank *YOU*!


Malcolm Robertson said...

Which school did you visit out of curiosity?
Oddly enough, the day after I began following your blog I heard about it from my friend and your cousin Drew Williams. Small world!
Great blog!

Unknown said...

Wow, Malcolm, that's definitely a small world story. Drew's the BEST! The letters are from Frontenac but I also went to JG Simcoe.

Thanks for hanging out here!

Rebecca Gomez said...


TerryLynnJohnson said...

So wonderful! That must make you feel great!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rebecca and TerryLynn. Definitely awesome and it does indeed make an author feel great. :>